Highcare Support ServicesYOUR WELL- BEING IS OUR PRIORITYCONTACT US NOWSafeguarding , dignity and respect!Highcare Support recognize the need to ensure all persons within our service are protected from any form of abuse or from abusing others. Contact Us

Governance and Quality Assurance

In order to deliver a high-quality service, we continually audit our service to monitor and to improve the way we perform this is carried out by the Nominated Person complemented by the Service Manager.

These audits include: 

  • Service User files 
  • Staff files
  • Complaints 
  • Assessments
  • Reviews
  • Staff Training and Supervision

Highcare Support promotes the opportunity for each individual to take a positive role in the decision-making process which helps us to tailor a Person-Centered Approach support package to attain our objectives. Regular meetings are to be conducted where the individual will be given an opportunity to voice their concerns, views and positive steps to meet the individual goals and aspirations.

Staff meetings are scheduled to take place on a monthly basis apart from daily routine briefings. This provides staff with the opportunity to voice their opinions and feedback to the Management regarding the progress of each individual and how the service can be more efficient/effective in meeting the needs of each individual.

Each individual and those involved in their care are made aware of the service’s complaints policy and are encouraged to offer feedback through individual reviews or on an as and when basis if needed. All staff will undertake regular training and updates which includes a minimum of: 

  • Safeguarding  
  • Health & Safety
  • Fire Awareness 
  • Food Hygiene Awareness 
  • Moving & Handling (inanimate objects)
  • First Aid
  • Medication Awareness
  • Mental Capacity 
  • CSE
  • And any other specific training required.

Contact Highcare Support Services Ltd

Contact us

Highcare Support Services Ltd, 130 Charlemont Road, E6 6HE, London

Call: 07306378079 – 07305851976 – 02085481199

highcare support team

Our Vision

Highcare Support’s vision is to support our service users achieve their optimum well-being by setting achievable goals, targets and aspirations together with our partners, families, and friends so that we empower, promote their independence, choice and social inclusion.

Our Quality Assurance Principles

Leadership – To be visible, proactive, and connected to service outcomes and be able to inspire people to have high aspirations for themselves and others.

Voice – The voice of people using the service, their family, careers, and supporters must be positively welcomed through genuine involvement in sharing and providing feedback.

Culture – The culture within which care and support is provided will be positive, open, and respectful with ethos that are proactive, person and relationship-centred. Dignity, empathy, and compassion should be evident.

Workforce – The workforce will comprise of considerate, competent, and highly motivated people, whose values, attitudes, and behaviors reflect the primary focus of supporting and empowering people to have the best possible quality of life.

Training – Is integral in an environment where supervision and appraisal is used to help encourage continuous professional development as well as to ensure that objectives are met.

Participative – We want everyone to participate and engage in quality assurance. Staff and service users have an important role and will value their feedback.

Supportive – We want staff to feel secure in learning from feedback and be able to deliver quality practice. We want feedback to be seen not as a threat but as an opportunity to learn and make a difference. We will celebrate as well as challenge.

care giving at healthcare support services UK

Want to learn more? Get in touch on: 02085481199