Highcare Support Services
Highcare Support Services Ltd is a provider of services designed to promote supported independent living, accommodation and social support. The service offers 24-hour support/supervision and monitoring to individuals with learning disabilities and/or a mental health diagnosis through an Individual Person-Centered Approach.
Highcare Support is a provider which supports adults between the ages of 18 and 65 who have Learning Disabilities, Autism, ADHD, Mental Health conditions and other associated complex needs.

Our Workforce
Our workforce comprise of considerate, competent, and highly motivated people, whose values, attitudes, and behaviours reflect the primary focus of supporting and empowering people to have the best possible quality of life.

Staff Training & Development
All employees undergo continuous mandatory and service specific training to ensure we continue to deliver a high-quality service. All new employees receive full mandatory training via the Company programme and outside resourced training.

Governance and Quality Assurance
Highcare Support promotes the opportunity for each individual to take a positive role in the decision-making process which helps us to tailor a Person-Centered Approach support package to attain our objectives.

Specialist teams delivering high quality support and care!
We believe in Person-centered care and support which is geared at meeting service users’ unique needs and where their full participation is considered. Highcare Support will ensure that service users voice is heard, and where needed work with advocates and relatives to promote service users’ best interests.